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New photography by Shannon Ruff captured with a digital camera-2008.
Portrait of a man
New photography by Shannon Ruff captured with a digital camera-2008.
New photography by Shannon Ruff captured with a digital camera-2008.

Portrait of a man

Artist Unknown
DateNo Date
Credit LineBequest of Commander H.C. Cunningham, U.S.N., Retired
Object number61.84.21
Not on view
DescriptionPortrait of a man wearing a shoulder-length white wig. His jacket is a pink/red in color.
Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, VA
Rembrandt van Rijn
ca. 1650
New photography by Shannon Ruff captured with a digital camera-2008.
19th century
Photograph by Ed Pollard, Hasselblad H4D50 - 2018
John James Crawley
Image scanned/or photographed from transparency and color corrected by Pat Cagney.
Santi di Tito
ca. 1560-75
New photography by Shannon Ruff captured with a digital camera-2006.
New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, 1550-1295 B.C.E.
Color corrected by Ed Pollard-2020.
Pierre-Auguste Renoir
ca. 1875-1880
Photograph by Ed Pollard, Hasselblad H4D50 - 2019.
Pierre-Auguste Renoir
New photography by Shannon Ruff captured with a digital camera-2007.
Gilbert Stuart
ca. 1700
4x5 transparency scanned on Hasselblad Flextight X1 by Ed Pollard-2012.
Hyacinthe Rigaud